Request Funding

Genesis Critterz owners have the ability to request funding for community events, apps, artwork, or any innovative endevour.

--> You must Own & Stake 1 Genesis Critterz to submit a proposal. A proposal must contain between 500 and 2000 characters. You may only submit one proposal per week.


Detail what you are trying to achieve with this request and your overall vision.


Explain how and why this request will benefit the Critterz community.

Proposed Funding

A breakdown of your proposed funding request would be perfect here.

Amount Requested


Genesis Owner
Char Limit
$BLOCK Amount

© 2022 The Critterz Development Team

The Critterz Development Team is in no way affiliated with, endorsed by, or a partner of Minecraft, Mojang, Microsoft, or any other related parties. Full disclaimer.

There is oil in the ocean.
